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Registration & Hotel

For information about Registration please contact:

OIC srl
Viale della Giovine Italia, 17 – 50122 Florence, Italy
Phone: +39 055 50.35.370

How to register

Please note that this is the official JIM GISE Congress website for registrations and that no other websites, companies or agencies are authorised to sell the registrations in any way or to contact you directly.

Advance registrations are preferred in order to facilitate planning of the Congress’ scientific sessions.

Off-line registrations and requests of pro-forma/invoices sent by fax or mail are subject to an additional € 30,00 for administration expenses.

Pre-registration will be accepted until 11 February 2025.

Individual registrations

Participants may proceed with the on-line reservation system:

Group registrations

Please ask for a group account by contacting OIC to

Congress registration fees

Registration fees no later than 15 January 2025from 16 January 2025 and onsite
Physician€ 550,00€ 600,00
Nurse & Technician€ 250,00€ 300,00
Physician under 35 years old *FreeFree
Nurse & Technician under 35 years old *FreeFree
Fellows Course (on Wednesday, 19 February) **IncludedIncluded

Registration fees are in Euro (VAT 22% included).

Registration fees will be adjusted according to VAT charge alignment

* Copy of valid document (ID or passport) to certify the date of birth is mandatory to be up-loaded in the on-line platform directly (pdf format is required) during the registration process

** Seats are limited, advance pre-registrations are suggested. On site registrations are strongly discouraged and availability might not be guaranteed.

Registration fees include
  • Admission to scientific sessions and Fellows Course on Wednesday
  • Congress kit (badge and certificate of attendance)
  • Coffee breaks as per program

The registration fee is compulsory in order to attend scientific sessions.

Sponsor registration fees (VAT excluded)

Exhibitors (having a stand)

€ 250

Sponsors (not having a stand)

€ 400

Industry Professionals
(not sponsor or exhibitor)

€ 550

Registration fee for Exhibitors, Sponsors & Industry Professionals includes
  • Entrance to the Exhibition
  • Entrance to the Main Hall for Live Case sessions
  • Coffee breaks as per program
  • Access to Lunch Symposia: only if sponsor of the Symposium

Terms of payment and invoice issuing

Payment by Credit card
The following credit cards are accepted: American Express, VISA, MasterCard

We would like to inform you that as of September 14, 2019, the SCA (STRONG CUSTOMER AUTHENTICATION) came into effect, in accordance with the provisions of the European Directive on payment services (PSD2).

As an OIC Group customer, your payments will become even more secure.

To get more information about this, please visit our dedicated page available here.

Payment by bank transfer are accepted up to the late fee deadline of 11 February 2025.
Cash payment in Euros will be accepted on-site in Rome.

Credit cards

The following credit cards are accepted: American Express, VISA, MasterCard.

Bank transfer

Bank transfer Account name: OIC srl
Bank name: Intesa Sanpaolo SpA
Bank Address: Viale Matteotti 20r, 50132 Florence, Italy
IBAN: IT85 V030 6902 9010 0000 0010 628


Bank transfers must not involve charges for the recipient.

Please indicate your name and surname and JIMGISE2025 as reference on your payment so that we can identify you for confirmation


Invoices with an address in the European Union should be provided with a VAT Number. The invoicing address and VAT number can only be set up during the registration process. Should you have any special requests for the processing of your invoice, kindly let us know when submitting your application.

  • Any modification on VAT number or billing address, requested after the issuing of the invoice incurs a € 30,00 administration charge.

Iscrizioni dipendenti pubbliche amministrazioni

Le iscrizioni per i dipendenti delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni dovranno essere corredate di ordine di acquisto in forma elettronica da parte degli enti del Servizio sanitario nazionale, ai sensi dell’art.1, comma 414, della legge 27dicembre 2017, n. 205 da inviare a , oppure a mezzo posta certificata oppure tramite ordine elettronico con i seguenti codici:





Peppol ID – OIC SRL


Per poter ricevere fattura intestata ad un ente pubblico ed emessa con scissione di pagamento oppure in esenzione IVA ai sensi dell’art. 10 del DPR 633/72 come modificato dall’art. 14, comma 10 della legge 24 dicembre 1993 n. 537, dovrà essere inviato ORDINE DI ACQUISTO, come sopra indicato, contenente tutti i dati fiscali dell’Ente, oltre al codice univoco PA in cui si specifichi che il dipendente (indicare nome e cognome) per cui viene richiesta l’iscrizione è autorizzato a frequentare l’evento per aggiornamento professionale; oltre ad ogni altra eventuale informazione che l’Ente stesso ritenga necessaria ed opportuna per facilitare l’identificazione del pagamento del servizio come da norma della fatturazione elettronica.

IN MANCANZA DELLA DOCUMENTAZIONE RICHIESTA E SOPRA DESCRITTA NON POTRANNO ESSERE EMESSE FATTURE INTESTATE AD ENTI PUBBLICI; in questo caso il pagamento dovrà essere inclusivo di IVA e la fattura verrà intestata al partecipante. Non verranno accettate richieste di modifica delle fatture già emesse o di rimborso dell’IVA versata dopo il termine del congresso.

Cancellation Policy

  • Any change or cancellation requests must be officially submitted in writing to OIC to:
  • For cancellations received by 19 January 2025 the paid amount will be refunded with a deduction of 70% that will be invoiced as penalty
  • No refund will be processed for cancellations received from 20 January 2025.
  • Name changes incur a handling fee of € 50,00 per registration.
  •  Should a delegate not attend the conference, for whatever reasons, no further claims for reimbursement can be made. No refunds shall be offered, where a service is deemed to have begun and is, for all intents and purposes, underway.
  • All delegates are urged to take personal travel insurance.

Liability disclaimer

In the event of serious special or unforeseen circumstances or serious circumstances beyond its control, OIC shall be entitled to cancel or modify the dates of the event. You shall not be entitled to compensation for any costs or damages incurred as a consequence of such a cancellation or change.
All delegates are urged to take personal travel insurance.
OIC will not be liable for any theft or damage to property and/or persons caused on site during the Congress, by any factor whatever, unless there has been a fault, intent or deliberate recklessness on the part of OIC.
OIC shall not be held responsible in the event of poisoning or food intoxication during the Event.


For further information and requests about hotel reservation, please contact us at: